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In search of


I've always been crazy about cinema and television. As a teenager, I was more dedicated to films than to football at school. Therefore, the "Image and Sound" undergraduate programme at the Federal University of São Carlos was a natural choice.

Much more than just a diploma and a few beers, university provided me with the opportunity to come into contact with entirely different movies. Those fundamental times opened my mind and taught me to see things from different perspectives before embarking on adult life in the big city.

In São Paulo, I went through important agencies and production companies, including AlmapBBDO, DM9DDB (now SunsetDDB), Bossa Nova Films, and Moonshot Pictures. And in the meantime, I still worked on personal projects, like the award-winning short film "Enlightened," which I wrote and directed.

Today, as a freelance scriptwriter and creative researcher, I collaborate with various partners in developing audiovisual content for advertising and entertainment. But I am still driven by that old passion for movies, always exploring new territories in search of striking, meaningful, and truly unique stories.

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